What to Do When Waiting for Your Plumbing Contractor

Things You Can Do While Waiting for Emergency Plumbing Service

Every householder experiences a plumbing issue at some point in their life. Blocked drains, burst pipes, and leaking toilets are just a few accidents that call for an emergency plumber. The first thing you should do is make a call to a qualified plumbing contractor for assistance. However, you can still take important things to lessen the harm to your home and save money while you wait for an emergency plumbing service.

Shut Off the Water Main

Find your water main and shut off the flow to prevent water from seeping into your home. Before you ever need to discover this valve, it’s a good idea to know where it is. The stop valve, typically found under the kitchen sink or close to your water meter, allows you to limit the water flow. The stop valve might be positioned elsewhere, such as in a utility cabinet or under the floorboards next to your front door.

Drain the Lines

After turning off the water main, clean out the pipes of any remaining liquid. There is still some liquid that could leak into your house anytime. The water faucets on your home’s first floor should be turned on. Your system should now be fully free of any remaining water.

Remove Excess Water

Be sure to begin the cleanup before the plumber arrives. To clean up the water spill, gather a mop and some towels. Standing water can damage some flooring types and encourage mold growth. This is why extra water needs to be absorbed and eliminated as soon as feasible. To aid in the drying of the surfaces, open the windows and turn on the fan. Moving any furniture or personal goods that water can ruin is also a good idea. Additionally, allowing the plumber easy access to the area of concern makes their work more productive and reduces the risk of someone falling.

Need a plumbing contractor in Fort Wayne, IN? Reach out Plumbing Services Inc for the job. Looking for professional plumbing services? Dial (260) 747-2175 today!